A. Basic Economic Concepts:
- Scarcity, choice, and opportunity cost as the source of economic problems
- The three basic economic problems: what to produce, how to produce, and for whom to produce
- How society tackles economic problems through customs, government decisions, and market mechanisms
- Private property rights and their importance in a market economy
- Specialization, exchange, and the circular flow of economic activities
- Positive and normative statements
B. Firms and Production:
- Forms of ownership: public and private ownership
- Limited and unlimited liability, shares and bonds as sources of capital
- Objectives of firms: profit maximization, market share, provision of non-profit services, corporate social responsibility, etc.
C. Market and Price:
- Law of demand and factors affecting individual and market demand
- Law of supply and factors affecting individual and market supply
- Equilibrium and the interaction between demand, supply, and price
- Consumer and producer surplus
- Functions of prices
- Price elasticity of demand and supply
- Market intervention: price ceiling, price floor, quota, unit tax, and subsidy
D. Competition and Market Structure:
- Perfect competition and imperfect competition: monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and monopoly
- Features of markets: number of sellers and buyers, nature of product, ease of entry, availability of information, price taker/price searcher
- Sources of monopoly power
E. Efficiency, Equity and the Role of Government:
- Conditions for efficiency: maximization of total social surplus; marginal benefit equals marginal cost
- Deviations from efficiency: price ceiling, price floor, tax, subsidy, and quota
- Divergence between private and social costs (benefits): market versus government solutions
F. Measurement of Economic Performance:
- National income as a general term for aggregates like Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Gross National Income (GNI)
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP): three approaches to measure GDP, nominal and real GDP, GDP at factor cost, per capita GDP, and growth rate of GDP
- GNI as GDP plus net income from abroad
- Uses and limitations of national income statistics as an indicator of economic welfare and for international comparison
G. National Income Determination and Price Level:
- Aggregate demand (AD): reasons for a downward-sloping AD curve and determinants of aggregate demand
- Aggregate supply (AS): reason for an upward-sloping short-run AS curve, reasons for a vertical long-run AS curve, and factors affecting short-run and long-run AS
- Determination of the equilibrium level of output and price level in the AS-AD model
- Changes in the equilibrium level of output and price level caused by change(s) in the AD and/or AS
H. Money and Banking:
- Money: definition, nature, and functions
- Banks: functions and services
- Money supply: definitions of money supply in Hong Kong, credit creation/contraction, and the banking multiplier
- Money demand: meaning of transactions demand for money and asset demand for money, and money demand as a function of nominal interest rate and income
- Determination of interest rate in the money market
- Hong Kong as a financial centre
I. Macroeconomic Problems and Policies:
- Business cycles: a description of the short-run fluctuations in real GDP around the long-run trend
J. International Trade and Finance:
- Free trade and trade barriers: absolute advantage, comparative advantage, and gains from trade, types of trade barriers, effects of tariff and quota on price and output for a small open economy, and trade barriers faced by Hong Kong
- Brief introduction to the balance of payments account
- Exchange rate: meaning of exchange rate